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Account management

Product Design Test Template

Account Management

Why should you use this template?

Whether your product allows for detailed customizations at a single-user level or you need to evaluate a complex account management system, this test is honed in to help.

Designing a sleek yet robust tool to manage your team (campaign, account, etc.) is an important challenge to overcome.

This test includes task-oriented click questions, sentiment analysis, and a quick need-finding check.

Consider adding ease of use benchmarking items if you are looking to track progress over time.


Testing Outcomes

  • Spotlight points of confusion in your design system
  • Assess your product in multiple user contexts
  • Verify that all common use cases are incorporated within your design system


Organization Benefits

  • Validate your design system and its patterns
  • Strengthen understanding of your users’ needs


Test Questions

  1. Briefly describe all the things you can do on this page.
    Free Response
    Start by determining the user’s comprehension of the options you’ve put in front of them.
  2. Click where you would go to modify your team.
    Click Test
    This example task-based prompt is ideal for evaluating specific, complex processes, which are especially common in account permissions and management workflows. Create as many click questions as you need, depending on the complexity of your system.
  3. Think about your experience managing team members on your account. How did you feel about this experience?
    Likert Scale
    Finish off the test with a quick impression question to gauge your respondents’ emotional reaction to your product. A follow-up is essential if you want to get more than a snapshot reaction.


Additional Questions

  • What permissions role do you have for your organization’s ___ software?
  • How does your team share responsibilities within [product name]?
  • How do you feel about the organization of information on this page?
  • On a scale from 1-5, how well do you understand the information presented to you?
  • Do you have any additional comments or suggestions to help improve this experience for you or your team?
  • Show me how you would [complete a specific task]