Usability Tests

Test your design concepts

Get immediate answers from real users. Create and share usability tests, and collect valuable insights throughout your product’s life cycle.

Test your prototype concepts

Get valuable user feedback on your concept sketches, wireframes, and prototypes with Helio. From the early stages of design to the final prototypes, we help you test every step of the user experience.


Tailor usability tests to your needs

Create simple or dynamic tests to gain valuable product insights and user needs. Explore Helio’s versatile features, including prototype tests, Click Tests, Freeform Questions, Card Sorting, 5-second Tests, and more.

Maximize the value of your product

Test prototypes and live versions with different activity types that can be tailored to your users’ behavior. Gain valuable insights into user actions, successful paths, and any roadblocks encountered along the way.

Unlock the secrets of great product design

Empower product managers

Helio is a comprehensive usability toolkit to guide your team in building, understanding why, and executing projects seamlessly. Connect effortlessly with end-users throughout the entire development cycle.

Level up your product design process

Create seamless integration with essential Figma design tools. Take control of your testing process and easily validate your concepts, wireframes, and prototypes at your own pace.

Supercharge your product team

Give your product team the power to test and iterate, enabling you to make well-informed decisions and free up time for strategic projects.

No more big research projects

Ask a few questions at a time to a targeted research panel. Get insights when you need them, at any stage of your project, without sinking your budget.

Fast Feedback, Better Design with Usability Testing


Create a usability test in minutes

Create a usability test quickly and easily with Helio’s intuitive platform and expert-made templates. Customize your test with customized questions.

Leverage Helio's audiences to get customer research.

Select an audience

Select one of our audience panels, recruit relevant participants from your own product or app, or share the test with external users via a link.


Choose usability questions

Create a multi-task test by selecting a prototype question, card sort, tree test or first click test.


Filter and share data reports

Real-time report updates give you a front-row seat to watch participants answer your survey and test questions.

Experience the power of continuous product discovery

Accelerate your prototype development at every stage

Take your design prototypes and mockups to the next level by incorporating tests at each stage of development. This seamless process empowers you to iterate quickly and execute multiple tests throughout the product development lifecycle. Gain valuable insights from testing at every step!

Automated metrics that drive discovery

Helio empowers you to transform responses into valuable insights through usability testing, from bounce rates and misclicks to clickmaps. Provide your team with visually-rich real-time data that can be acted upon within hours.

Discover the key actions your users take first

Helio empowers you to transform responses into valuable insights through usability testing, from bounce rates and misclicks to clickmaps. Provide your team with visually-rich real-time data that can be acted upon within hours.

Uncover how people organize information

Create content that aligns with user thinking. Card sorting reveals user mental models, enabling you to design an effective information structure. Helio provides participants with a user-friendly and enjoyable online card-sorting experience. 

Improve the discoverability of your content

Discover the areas where people tend to get lost and determine the reasons behind it, then take action to fix it. Utilize tree testing to assess how easy it is for users to find and understand the structure of your website, app, or intranet. By testing, refining, and validating your design choices, you can create a user-friendly digital experience that is easy for your users to navigate.

We frequently incorporate the insights gained from Helio into our discussions with stakeholders and business partners. This data integration serves as a foundation for justifying our decisions. We use the user findings from Helio to construct a narrative that supports our business case.

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Megan Kilkenny, Patelco

Concept Testing

Test your ideas and concepts before committing precious time and resources to development and design.

Prototype Tests

Validate and confidently launch your product by testing your prototype flows with real users.

Content Testing

Get feedback on your messaging before launch and improve it with post-launch feedback. Perfect your message for your target audience.

User Surveys

Gain valuable insights into user needs at every stage of product development with continuous user surveys.

First Click Testing

Boost conversion and task success rates. Performing first-click testing can help identify where people expect to locate the desired information.

Card Sorting

Helio automates analysis to reveal themes in your card sort data. Gather actionable insights in minutes and identify common groups effortlessly with three different analysis methods.

Tree Testing

Evaluate your site structures, categorization, and labels before designing a user interface. Benchmark your current structure and iterate as you identify areas for improvement.

Data Visualization

Helio usability tests provide a range of ways to visualize your user experience. Filter user data based on user answers, demographics, sentiment, and task duration.

Usability Tests FAQs

What is usability testing?
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Usability testing is evaluating a product or service by testing it with representative users. The goal is to identify usability problems, collect qualitative and quantitative data, and assess participant satisfaction.

What are the benefits of usability testing?
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The benefits of usability testing include identifying and addressing issues early in the development process, minimizing costs in terms of time and impact on schedule, measuring task completion time, determining user satisfaction, identifying areas for improvement, and evaluating performance against usability objectives.

Is a formal usability lab necessary for testing?
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No, usability testing can be done in various settings, a room with portable recording equipment, a room without recording equipment (as long as someone observes and takes notes), or remotely with Helio where the user is in a different location.

How much does usability testing cost?
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The cost of usability testing depends on factors like the number of questions, team size, number of participants, and testing duration. It’s important to budget monthly for continuous usability tests as the process is iterative. Plan for time required to prepare, run tests, analyze data, write reports, and present findings.