Information Architecture
Goal-centric structures trump old-fashioned charts.
Information architecture is the craft of organizing and labeling websites, intranets, online communities, and software to improve usability and findability. It’s a burgeoning community of practice dedicated to integrating design, architecture, and information science ideas into the digital realm.
Is Will Should
What you get when you overlap Drucker and Design Thinking.
Peter Drucker writes in The Essential Drucker about asking what your business is, will be, and should be in order to avoid wasting your time defending yesterday.
A design method for engaging customers on what they think about your products.
User interviews are when you ask users questions and capture their answers. Interviews are a great way to get insight into what people think of your product. They can help you investigate its usability and experience, as well as learn more about demographics or ethnicity by asking questions specifically for those purposes during an interview.