Consumer Profiling Test Template
Shopping Experience
Why should you use this template?
Understanding the context in which your audience engages with your brand is often the first step to success. Typically, we evaluate e-commerce experiences using survey written with an online context in mind.
But, consider the powerful insights that could be uncovered if you just reframe the question. Perhaps a creative solution to your latest roadblock in online shopping can be solved by looking at the traditional retail experience.
By asking questions that hit on both physical and e-commerce shopping experiences, this template will help you get the best of both worlds. See this test as a starting place to understand your market’s unique needs.
Testing Outcomes:
- Advance your customer profiling efforts with fresh customer data.
- Revitalize your e-commerce shop with insights from the traditional, physical shopping experience.
- Gather knowledge of the most common shopping pain points.
Organization Benefits:
- Gain a holistic view of your consumer’s shopping behaviors and learn about the unique position your company could hold within your market.
- Results from this survey can fuel personas, further understanding of customer motivation.
Test Questions
- Who do you typically go shopping with?
Multiple Choice
An often overlooked aspect of the shopping experience, understanding who is being shopped for is critical. Find out with this multiple choice question. - Rank the following methods based on how you prefer to shop.
Rank Order
By asking respondents to rank methods of ordering, you can understand any patterns unique to your corner of the market. - Think back to the last time you went in-person to a clothing store. What motivated you to go to the store?
Free Response
This free response focuses on special considerations of the traditional, physical storefront. As shopping continues to go online, insights that can translate to the latest trends will be most valuable. - What motivates you to shop for clothes online?
Free Response
If you know the base motivation to visit your website, you can better tailor the experience for future users. - How much do you agree with the following statement, “my shopping behaviors have changed significantly since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic”.
Likert Scale
This likert question begins to look at the impact of social/global events on your market. These sort of historical factors affect sales in surprising and ever-changing ways. - When shopping for clothes, who are you typically purchasing for? Distribute 100 points across these options.
Point Allocation
Understand how your consumers typically shop with this point allocation question.
Additional Questions
- How often does the physical store have what you want in stock?
- How fair are this store’s prices, compared to similar stores?
- Are you satisfied with the selection of products available?
- How often do you use coupons?
- How much do you save with coupons?
- Are employees helpful at the store?
- Are employees friendly at this store?
- Do you know the store return policy? Is it easy to understand?
- How satisfied did you feel based on your overall experience?
- On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend us to your friend or colleague?
- Please let us know how we can improve your experience.
- How did you learn about our website?
- Who are you shopping for?
- What were you looking for?
- Did you get what you were looking for?
- Are you going to return later?
- What led you to visit our website?