Product Marketer

Market with precision, guided by users

Capture market trends effectively using Helio for insightful product marketing

Target Audience Understanding

Gain deep insights into the preferences and behaviors of the target market. Enable more effective and targeted marketing strategies.

Message Testing

Evaluate the effectiveness of marketing messages and campaigns. Optimize communication strategies for higher engagement and conversion.

Brand Perception Analysis

Understand how the brand is perceived in the market. Inform brand strategy and helps in managing brand reputation.

Fast results, improved KPIs

Lead Conversion Rate

Conversion of prospects to customers

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Cost associated with acquiring a new customer

Brand Awareness

Measured through surveys or social listening tools

Engagement Rate

Interaction level with marketing content

Case Studies

Usability Testing

Conduct tests to evaluate the usability and intuitive design of products

Hellofresh membership offer page

Purchase Feedback

Improve landing page effectiveness with targeted offers, increasing user comprehension and engagement.

Elevate Decision-Making with Data-Driven Design Insights

Drive continuous design decision-making

Import complex prototypes with animations and interactions into Helio. Enhance your testing with detailed performance metrics in Helio Reports, which automatically transform essential design metrics and usability scores into visually captivating data.

Turn traditional research into data-driven insights

Receive live report updates for each response, use advanced filtering to reveal instant insights, and strike the perfect balance of qualitative and quantitative data. Helio’s Quantitative Data will help you translate feedback and behavioral data into actionable insights within mere hours.

Experience Helio’s role in your informed decisions

Helio empowers you to transform responses into valuable insights with Usability Tests, from bounce rates and misclicks to clickmaps. Provide your team with visually-rich real-time data that can be used to inform decisions within hours.

Collaborate with your Figma files in Helio

Collaborate with team members by sharing access to your Figma files in Helio.  Remove the pain of finding the latest Figma files or prototype

Maximize your learning potential while maintaining high quality

Why settle for just one when you can have both? Our customizable survey features freeform and structured question types to provide qualitative and quantitative feedback

We’ve integrated Helio into our workflow, which has allowed us to funnel vital customer insights directly to our product and marketing teams. This approach helps us get to better solutions faster and eliminates a lot of waste. Additionally, I am advocating for a more direct approach of presenting our prototypes to customers, enhancing our design process with real-time feedback

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Jake Johnson, Versapay

Positioning strategy template

Positioning Strategy Test Template

Test outcomes:

  • Product Marketers can benefit from this template to fine-tune the positioning of their products in the market, ensuring they meet the target audience’s needs and stand out against competitors
Use Template

Product Marketer FAQs

How can I use these platforms for effective message testing?
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Test different messaging strategies with your target audience to see which resonates most, and use the insights to refine your marketing messages.

Can I identify and segment my target audience using Helio?
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Yes, Helio can help you understand diverse user groups and their specific needs, allowing you to create more targeted and effective marketing strategies.

What’s the best way to test the impact of marketing campaigns?
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Use pre- and post-campaign user testing to measure changes in brand awareness, perception, and user intent.

How can these services help in understanding brand perception?
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Regularly conduct tests focusing on brand elements to gauge recognition, feelings, and attitudes toward your brand over time.

Can I use user testing to refine my product positioning strategy?
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Absolutely. Gather user insights on how they perceive and use your product to help define and refine your product’s market position.