Competitive Review

Outsmart your competition with insightful reviews

Get the inside scoop on your rivals from competitor prospects

Gain a Competitive Edge

Understand your competitors through their buyers’ eyes. Identify strengths to leverage and weaknesses to exploit in your market strategy. 

Refine Product Strategies

Use feedback from competitor buyers to refine your products. Ensure your offerings meet unmet needs and outperform competitors.

Identify Market Opportunities

Find market gaps your competitors miss. Use these insights to innovate and capture new market segments.

Map to UX Metrics


Ensure your users can effectively understand and utilize your product, leading to higher satisfaction.


Enables users to efficiently and effectively achieve their goals, leading to higher satisfaction and use of your product.


Measure users’ emotional responses, guiding improvements and influencing overall brand perception.


Drive user interest and demand, leading to higher adoption rates and competitive advantages.

Explore a Relevant Case Study

Zoho Landing Page Interactions

Zoho’s Competitive Review

See how we compared the Customer Satisfaction and Net Promoter Scores across 5 landing pages for CRM platforms with Helio.

How to Conduct a Competitor Review


Get Started

Access and download the pre-designed Competitor Review template in Figma to streamline your analysis process.


Gather Competitor Data and Define Your Objectives

Compile information on competitors’ product offerings, pricing models, market share, user reviews, and unique selling points (USPs). Use tools like Helio for data collection and insights.

Identify key objectives such as understanding competitors’ strengths and weaknesses, market positioning, and areas for differentiation.


Conduct HEART Testing and Analyze Features

Evaluate competitor assets across 5 key metrics: Happiness, Engagement, Actions, Retention, Task Success.

Assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to each competitor. This analysis helps identify strategic opportunities and potential threats in the market.


Synthesize Insights

Consolidate your findings into a comprehensive report. Highlight key takeaways, market trends, and actionable insights for strategic planning.


Implement and Monitor Changes

Apply insights to refine your product offerings, marketing messages, and strategic plans. Use KPIs to measure the success and impact of the changes on your market position.

Helio is really helpful for discovering important insights and validating that our marketing hypothesis is on the right track.

Avatar of the person that wrote the post

Kevin Dunn, LevLane 

Test Template Examples

Competitor Analysis

Competitor Analysis Test Template

Test outcomes:

  • Review where participants look first on a competitor’s site
  • Highlight what parts of the page catch participant’s eye
  • Reveal which elements are most important to their decision-making
Use Template


What is a competitive review?
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Competitive review involves gathering and analyzing feedback from buyers of your competitors to understand their experiences and preferences. This helps identify areas for improvement and opportunities to differentiate your products. 

Why is competitive review important?
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Competitive review is crucial for gaining a deeper understanding of the market landscape. It helps you identify your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses, enabling you to refine your strategies and enhance your market position. 

What methods are commonly used in competitive reviews?
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Common methods include surveys, which collect quantitative data on user preferences and opinions; interviews, which gain qualitative insights through detailed conversations with users; and feedback analysis, which analyzes responses to identify patterns and preferences. 

How does competitive review differ from other types of research?
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Competitive review specifically focuses on understanding competitors from the perspective of their buyers. In contrast, other research types might address broader issues, such as overall market trends or customer satisfaction. 

What are some challenges associated with competitive review?
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Challenges include gathering representative feedback, ensuring it reflects the target audience; interpreting diverse opinions; and integrating feedback effectively into the development process. 

How can businesses ensure they are interpreting feedback correctly?
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Engage experienced researchers, validate findings across multiple data sources, and be mindful of biases that could skew interpretations. 

How can businesses act on the insights gained from competitive reviews?
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Refine ideas, prioritize development, and align marketing strategies based on the feedback. Use insights to improve product relevance and overall market fit.