Landing Page Optimization

Zoho Landing Page Optimization

Decoding User Engagement and Conversion Potential on Zoho’s CRM Landing Page

Low CTR on Zoho’s Primary Action

Zoho’s ‘Get Started’ form has a poor initial click-through rate, indicating an aversion to filling out the form.

Landing Page Feels Overwhelming

24% of visitors indicated this negative impression after interacting with the landing page.

Low Net Promoter Score

Visitors’ aversion to the sign up form and feelings of being overwhelmed resulted in a low NPS of -22.6.

Business Challenge

Understand how Zoho’s CRM landing page can better capture and convert visitors, and compare these findings with reactions to competitor pages to identify new opportunities for optimization.

Research Goals

The study set out to assess how well Zoho’s landing page performed in terms of user engagement and to identify opportunities for optimization to improve conversions.


Within a single day, we gathered screenshots of Zoho’s landing page off their website, and crafted a survey to evaluate the user engagement and effectiveness of it’s content. After running the test overnight, we synthesized the findings the following day.


Zoho’s landing page was tested using remote user surveys through Helio, where participants reacted to the design using a variety of quantitative and qualitative methods. The Zoho survey was then copied and used to test 4 competitor landing pages in order to understand where Zoho excels in the market and where they can learn from their competitors.

Once the responses were collected, the data was gathered into this comparison framework for surfacing quick signals across the landing page variations.

Research Panel

We used a ready-made audience of Marketers and Sales Professionals in the United States to gather 100 responses on each of the 5 competitor landing pages.

Test Setup

The survey mixed NPS scoring, satisfaction scales, and free-response questions to gauge both quantitative and qualitative user feedback on the landing page’s effectiveness.

The test setup for the Zoho landing page optimization study included questions designed to understand user behavior and perceptions as they interacted with the landing page. Here’s a summary of the test setup:


Overall, the test was structured to gauge the initial attraction to key elements of the page, the clarity and utility of the information provided, the user’s general impression of the page, and the likelihood of the product being adopted by the user’s business. The use of common keywords and follow-up questions provided a deeper understanding of user motivations and barriers to conversion.

Analysis and Synthesis:

Low CTR on Zoho’s Primary Action

Zoho’s ‘Get Started’ form has a poor initial click-through rate, indicating an aversion to filling out the form. 

Only 17% of participants interacted with this primary CTA upon first click, compared to an average of 40% on competitor landing pages. Participants mentioned that they didn’t want to fill out the form in order to continue learning about the platform.

Landing Page Feels Overwhelming

24% of visitors indicated this negative impression after interacting with the landing page. Typically, we want to see negative impressions maintained below the 10% mark. Spikes of up to 24% in overwhelming and 13% in confusion indicate significant negative impressions that need to be addressed on the page.

The sum of positive impressions minus the sum of negative reactions equals to a 124% net positive alignment, which was the second lowest total of or 5 competitors.

Low Net Promoter Score

Visitors’ aversion to the sign up form and feelings of being overwhelmed resulted in a low NPS of -22.6. Net promoter scores range between -100 and +100, with a score in the positive to be a generally positive sign.

A score in the negative 20s is a signal for low engagement, and also the lowest NPS of all the CRM competitor landing pages we tested.


We wrote a blog post to elaborate on how this testing works into the practice of landing page optimization. 

We also produced a guide for testing landing page optimization just as we did with Zoho:

Next Steps and Recommendations


With so much content on Zoho’s landing page, it would be interesting to conduct a follow-up test asking participants to rank the information they are shown so that a prioritization can be made.

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