Case Study

Evaluating HelloFresh Membership Offers

Identifying purchase intent and comprehension gaps in HelloFresh membership offers.

Low Comprehension of Membership Offer

33% of Home Cooks say they felt little to no comprehension of the member deal.

High Engagement with Meal Plan Carousel

The largest share of visitors (27%) engaged with the meal plan carousel on first look.

Impressions are Positive Despite Confusion

Curiosity (71%), hunger (53%), and excitement (39%) were the most common emotions evoked by the landing page.

Business Challenge

HelloFresh is on a mission to change the way people eat, forever! Through their distribution network, HelloFresh delivers hundreds of millions of meals every year.

In order to accomplish this mission, they need to convert as many web users as they can on their landing pages. HelloFresh’s landing page looks to entice visitors into joining by offering 16 free meals, which are spread out over the course of the first 9 meal boxes that customers buy.

Hellofresh membership offer page


Within 24 hours, we put the HelloFresh membership offer page to the test and produced findings that helped illustrate consumer reactions to their landing page.

Research Goals

We aimed to understand how well HelloFresh’s membership landing page converts visitors into new members by clicking on their ‘16 free meals’ offer. We wanted to put our hunch to the test that the membership offer is confusing in how it is delivered, and therefore deters visitors from engaging with the page.


We used one of Helio’s ready-made audiences of Home Cooks in the United States, participants who are the primary cooks in their household or cook at home at least 3 times per week.

Research Panel

We used one of Helio’s ready-made audiences of Home Cooks in the United States, participants who are the primary cooks in their household or cook at home at least 3 times per week.

Test Setup

To start, participants were asked to explain the offer on the page:

Helio free response question

Then, more specific questions were asked about the content on the page to further gauge the level of comprehension:

Helio likert scale

A click test showed how users would interact with the landing page on their first interaction.

Helio click test

HelloFresh pushes a lot of imagery and brand personality into their landing page, so of course they want to elicit the right emotions from their audience. Using a multiple choice question, we asked our audience of home cooks how this page made them feel.

Helio brand impression test

Analysis and synthesis 

33% of Home Cooks say they felt little to no comprehension of the member deal.

HelloFresh provides an offer for 16 free meals as their primary CTA on the page, though only 2% of visitors mentioned that offer on first look. The explanation for that free meal offer also caused problems, with 33% of participants saying they felt little to no comprehension of the deal:

“It seems like it’s not very clear, or worded deliberately to be misleading.”

Helio Participant, Home Cook (US)

Though HelloFresh’s “free meal” offer gets a fair amount of attention (23%), the interactive elements like the meal plan carousel and recipe selector (24%) steal the limelight from their primary CTA:

Helio click test

Curiosity, hunger and excitement were the most common emotions evoked by this landing page.

Around 10% of participants felt overwhelmed, which is a negative impressions to be watchful of, though not so bad in comparison to the overwhelmingly positive reactions to the page.

Helio brand impression test

HelloFresh’s landing page tested well in terms of visitor impressions, though they have some work to do in terms of building user comprehension and trust with their primary offer of free meals.


Using the findings from HelloFresh’s membership offer testing, we wrote a blog that elaborates on how the different components of their landing page were tested to evaluate its performance as a whole:

Next Steps and Recommendations


Since this test focused on providing purchase feedback on HelloFresh’s membership landing page, the testing focused on evaluating the single page. Many participants expressed interest in exploring HelloFresh meals, so it would be interesting to take those participants through a follow-up flow and gauge how likely they are to follow through with the membership after seeing the meal plans.

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