We’re excited to announce that all business and enterprise accounts can use unlimited audiences. Pick from a thousand audiences to run your survey or test. Our audience pool is approaching 1 million participants!
The billing and settings pages reflect this big audience update. Learn more about the new structure of your account settings in our Help Center.
Why is this audience release so exciting?
Compare Two Tests
Now you can learn how segments affect your results by comparing two tests from different audiences.
Banko is an example of a consumer company using this new audience power. They confirmed the needs of two customer groups: people building their credit scores, and damaged credit consumers. Customers with damaged credit are more likely to face challenges from past credit mistakes, while credit builders face more challenges around their lack of credit history. Surprisingly the credit builders had 10% higher negative feelings.
Damaged Credit
Banko realized they must provide damaged credit customers with resources to overcome their previous history.
Credit Builders
In contrast, credit-building customers need educational materials to help them build credit confidence.
Combine Audiences
Helio customers can also gain a broader perspective by including multiple audiences in one test run. Getup, a men’s retailer, recently asked parents and teens what emotions they felt when shopping for a prom outfit. The test survey revealed that while there was excitement surrounding this important day, there were also instances of frustration due to conflicting opinions.
Perspectives on prom shopping:
“Definitely happiness, excitement, and nervous”
“Overwhelmed but super excited at the same time.”
“It was an enjoyable day as she was excited about finding the right dress. It became frustrating as I couldn’t find one that was both stylish and modest.”
“For my child. It was exciting but a little frustrating.”
How It Works
New accounts can select audiences in the test creation onboarding flow.
Existing business and enterprise accounts will now see a search field in the test creation audience module. Pre-selected audiences are now filtered at the top of the results.
Just type in a keyword and search through the audiences we have available right away.
Let us know how the release works for you!