Concierge Testing: A Powerful Pre-Pilot for Your Business Model

Concierge testing validates solutions with potential customers by interviewing them in their natural environment, like a cafe or grocery store. The goal is to determine if they would be interested in paying for a hypothetical product or service.

🔩 The Nuts and Bolts:
  • Concierge testing is a carefully planned process to validate solutions with potential customers in their natural environment.
  • It allows testing of the final offering without needing it to be fully optimized or automated.
  • Benefits of using this approach include saving time and money, interacting in a natural setting, and sparking creativity.
  • Drawbacks include the risk of skewed results and balancing sample size.
  • Important to understand the differences between Wizard of Oz and concierge testing.
  • The team conducting the test consists of people who select environments/identify customers, develop a pitch/guided experience, present product experience, and collect responses.
  • Steps for concierge testing include creating a pitch/guided experience, identifying target customers, conducting one-on-one meetings with participants, and collecting verbal & emotional feedback.

What exactly is concierge testing?

It’s a carefully planned process that involves dedicating time and resources to be closer to the customer than to the final solution. The best part? You can offer the customer value comparable to the final product and even get paid.

Looking to test your business model in a later stage of development? The concierge test is the way to go. It allows you to test your final offering without needing it to be fully optimized or automated. Plus, you can work closely with potential customers and gather their valuable feedback.

Not only does the concierge test help you test your value proposition and services, but it also allows you to fine-tune your revenue model and get invaluable insights on delivering value in a controlled environment.

In concierge testing, the team engages with participants in the right environment and uses directed questioning or guided show-and-tell to gauge potential success. By collecting verbal and emotional responses, they can validate or invalidate the solution.

Why Use Concierge MVP? Discover the Benefits and Drawbacks

The Concierge MVP approach offers numerous advantages when developing a new product or solution. By engaging with your potential customers, you can generate fresh ideas, overcome implementation obstacles, and gain valuable insights. Here are the pros:

  • Save time and money: Instead of building a complete product or website, ask your customers if they would be interested in a specific service to achieve a particular benefit. This way, you can test the concept without investing resources upfront.
  • Interact in a natural setting: With Concierge Testing MVP, you can engage directly with customers in an environment where they would use your product. This ethnographic interaction provides valuable feedback and lets you visualize how your product might function.
  • Spark creativity: By interacting with consumers in real time, you can uncover new ideas and tailor your potential product to suit their needs better. For example, Manual found ways to incorporate diet preferences and health goals into their Food on the Table service by sharing shopping lists and gauging customer reactions firsthand.

Nevertheless, there are downsides to consider. Let’s delve into the cons:

  • Risk of skewed results: The nature of a concierge service, which relies on personal interaction, means that the likability of the concierge can influence customer feedback. This makes it challenging to gauge the usefulness of your product idea accurately and can result in false positive or negative feedback. It’s important to use this method with caution.
  • Balancing sample size: Manual testing requires gathering sufficient customer samples to ensure the results represent your target audience. However, collecting too much data can overwhelm your product team, leaving little time for effective analysis. Be mindful of striking the right balance to avoid skewed or unrepresentative results.

By understanding the advantages and limitations of the Concierge Testing MVP approach, you can make informed decisions and propel your product development journey forward.

Wizard of Oz vs. Concierge Testing

Wizard of Oz testing is a way to test your solution hypothesis. With this approach, we carefully simulate the user experience without any technology involved. Doing so allows us to effortlessly test various hypotheses and iterate quickly to find the ideal solution. Wizard of Oz testing falls under the category of Evaluative Product Experiment, meaning we can assess and debunk our solution hypothesis effectively.

The concierge testing method harnesses the power of human interaction, introducing some biases into the test. Using concierge testing to validate a solution hypothesis may lead to false positives or negatives under certain circumstances. Concierge testing may not be the best fit when we have a clear solution idea, but it shines when unsure of the best path forward.

Understanding the differences between Wizard of Oz and concierge testing is vital when finding the perfect solution.

🚀 If you’re using Helio

Survey participants take surveys and tests in their natural environment.

Distributing surveys and conducting user tests with participants in their usual surroundings is an effective method to gather insights.

Who is involved in Concierge Testing?

Concierge testing requires a team to:

  • Select environments where potential customers can be found (e.g., coffee shops, bookstores) or identify current users who match the ideal participant through analytics data.
  • Develop a pitch or guided experience that showcases how the solution addresses customer needs.
  • Present the hypothetical product experience to the customer using a field guide and determine the level of detail conveyed.

How Concierge Testing is Done

  1. Create a compelling pitch or guided experience for your proposed solution to elicit emotional responses from users.
  2. Identify your target customers and determine how to approach them (local coffee shops or existing user base).
  3. Conduct one-on-one concierge testing with the participant, with one team member as the presenter/concierge and another as the note-taker.
  4. Collect responses and meet as a team to discuss verbal and emotional feedback, interest, apathy, or disdain towards the offering.


What exactly is a concierge test?
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It’s a carefully planned process that involves dedicating time and resources to be closer to the customer than in the final solution. The best part? You can offer the customer value comparable to the final product and even get paid for it.

What are the benefits of using this approach?
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Benefits of using this approach include saving time and money, interacting in a natural setting, and sparking creativity.

Who is involved in Concierge Testing?
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The team conducting the test consists of people who select environments/identify customers, develop a pitch/guided experience, present product experience, and collect responses.

What are the steps for concierge testing?
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Steps for concierge testing include creating a pitch/guided experience, identifying target customers, conducting one-on-one meetings with participants, and collecting verbal & emotional feedback.

What are the advantages of using the Concierge MVP approach?
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The advantages of using the Concierge MVP approach include saving time and money, interacting in a natural setting, and sparking creativity. It also helps you test your value proposition and services and helps you fine-tune your revenue model and get invaluable insights on delivering value in a controlled environment.

What are the drawbacks of Concierge MVP?
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The drawbacks of Concierge MVP include the risk of skewed results and balancing sample size. The nature of a concierge service, which relies on personal interaction, means that the likability of the concierge can influence customer feedback. This makes it challenging to gauge the usefulness of your product idea accurately and can result in false positive or negative feedback. Additionally, collecting too much data can overwhelm your product team, leaving little time for effective analysis.