Research Study

Zoho’s CRM Landing Page Optimized

Improved User Engagement and Conversion Potential on Zoho’s CRM Page

Low Click-Through Rate (CTR) on the Main Action

The ‘Get Started’ form had a low initial click-through rate, indicating users’ reluctance to fill it out.

Overwhelming Landing Page

24% of users felt overwhelmed by the content, highlighting the need for a more streamlined design.

Low Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Due to the aversion to the form and overwhelming content, the landing page received a low NPS of -22.6.

Business Challenge

This independent research aimed to evaluate Zoho’s CRM landing page to capture and convert visitors. The findings were compared with competitor landing pages to identify opportunities for optimization.


The testing was completed in 24 hours. After running the test overnight, the findings were synthesized the following day.

Research Goals

The main goal of the study was to assess the clarity and appeal of the CRM offer presented on the landing page, and compare its performance to that of competitor landing pages.


Zoho’s landing page was tested using remote user surveys via Helio, incorporating quantitative and qualitative feedback from consumers. The same survey was applied to four competitor landing pages to benchmark Zoho’s performance against competitors.

The UX metrics we tracked as leading indicators of the design’s performance were:

Participant Panel

The study gathered feedback from 100 marketing and sales professionals in the United States for each of the five landing pages tested.

Test Setup

The survey combined NPS scoring, satisfaction scales, and open-ended questions to gather quantitative and qualitative feedback on the effectiveness of the landing page.

The setup for the Zoho landing page study included several key areas of focus:

The overall test was designed to assess how well the page attracted users’ attention, the clarity and usefulness of the information provided, the general impression of the page, and the likelihood of the product being adopted. The use of common keywords and follow-up questions offered deeper insights into user motivations and potential barriers to conversion.


Low Engagement on Primary Action: Only 17% of users clicked on the ‘Get Started’ form, significantly lower than the 40% average for competitor pages. Users preferred to learn more about the platform without filling out a form.

Overwhelming Content: A substantial 24% of visitors felt overwhelmed, and 13% were confused, leading to a net positive alignment of 124%, the second lowest Sentiment among competitors.

Low Net Promoter Score: The page’s low NPS of -22.6 was the lowest of all CRM competitors, indicating significant room for improvement.


Zoho’s landing page research study revealed significant improvements they can make to catch up to their competition, specifically in terms of the positive sentiment their site elicits from visitors and engagement on their hero CTA.



Given the dense content on Zoho’s landing page, follow-up testing could involve asking users to rank the information presented, helping to prioritize and streamline the content.

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