Hello Helio! We’re very excited to share our newest question type in the Helio toolbox, MaxDiff! This new addition is a powerhouse when it comes to learning preference or perceived importance of items on a list. MaxDiff is incredibly valuable for everyone within the organization from design & development to marketing, sales, even HR. The possibilities are endless!
Using MaxDiff will give you valuable insights and help you learn from customers without having to parse extra data from multiple questions. Ultimately, your research should push work forward, not hold it back. Here’s some of what we think makes MaxDiff a super valuable question type.
- Making the trade-off to get to truths. Asking customers to make a trade-off between features unearths relative truths really quickly. When learning what’s most important and least important to customers companies know where to invest time, talent, and resources.
- Benefits many teams. We mentioned that MaxDiff is very versatile and many teams can benefit from using MaxDiff to learn from customers. Some highlights include prioritizing features or function, what marketing messaging resonates with a customer, and what a customer’s focus is when making the decision to purchase.
- Save time – get succinct answers. Using multiple questions to gauge preference of perceived value is time-consuming. MaxDiff removes the need for multiple steps, using a single question to gauge preference across multiple areas at once.
This update is something we’re super excited about because it will help your team become even more efficient with your surveying so you can spend less time parsing through and synthesizing data and more time making better products for customers. 💜