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Shopping Insights Test Template

Buyer Presentation Assets

Why should you use this template?

Shoppers may be judging your product from first glance, and you need to discover what their first impressions are.

The popularity of sustainable design is one example of how trends are bending traditional packaging

Find answers to your questions about the effectiveness your packaging has with regard to customer attitudes, values, and feelings.


Testing Outcomes

  • Receive a wealth of data on subjective perceptions of your product as it relates to packaging
  • Pinpoint areas where improvement is needed or a red-design is in order
  • Understand whether brand consistency is achieved in packaging


Organization Benefits

  • Get a potential wake-up call from the users about their packaging values
  • Enable change in strategies where an image update may be needed
  • Decisions upon the success of your branding can be supported by user data


Test Questions

  1. How do you feel about the packaging visually?
    Free Response
    Probably the single most important question, and we’re going to start off with some qualitative feedback.
  2. How satisfied are you with the look of this packaging?
    Likert Scale
    A customer can evaluate their reactions to product presentation very quickly in this subjective evaluation scale question.
  3. What impressions does this packaging give you?
    Multiple Choice
    You really want to know this one. Make it easy for them to place an honest word on your presentation work.


Additional Questions

  • How do you feel about the packaging visually?
  • Please rate its quality?
  • How impactful was the design of the packaging?
  • How impactful were the colors of the packaging?
  • Is the packaging unique?Which words would you use to describe the packaging?
  • Would it be easy to find the items in a store?
  • How relevant was the packaging on your decision to buy the product?
  • Was it easy to open the packaging?
  • How did you feel about the experience of unboxing it?
  • How well does the packaging align with your interests and values?
  • Is being able to re-use packaging important to you?
  • Is being able recycle packaging important to you?
  • Describe an inspiring unboxing experience you have had.