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Interpreting the Results

Not all your participants will want to talk to you at first. Even for companies that have off-the-charts brand loyalty, we can only expect the typical 2-5% engagement you might see on a live site feature. Your users won’t think this is anything special until you show them how valuable their feedback can be.

From an audience of professionals, getting 50 responses on your surveys is a good start. This will provide your team with valuable qualitative and anecdotal insights that you can use to inform your decisions.

At 100 responses per survey, that’s where you really start cookin’. Getting 100 responses is statistically significant for most professional and consumer audiences, which means you can start leaning into more quantitative approaches like Net Promoter Scores and user click data. Again, if you don’t reach that number right away, don’t fret! It takes time to build the trust and engagement with your audience, and in the meantime the qualitative responses you get will work as great anecdotal signals for your team to build off of.

When you’ve grown your list and have hundreds of responses coming in on each survey, we often start seeing the need to segment the audience for more specific feedback. Once the data is flowing from multiple different channels, we have methods of comparing this data across different segments of participants.

The Helio Team can help you test with your audience and synthesize results into deliverables like this, so you can be focused on sharing the insights with your team and planning the next steps for your business.