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We’ve Got Answers.

We’ve fundamentally updated Helio to focus around a single, simple concept — an answer.

Hello Helio! It’s been a bit since our last update and for good reason. We’ve fundamentally updated Helio to focus around a single, simple concept — an answer.

Starting today, you’ll notice a few big changes with some of our vocab and flows within Helio. So let’s get a rundown of the good stuff:


  • Redesigned Account. We refocused the account view to better communicate your test and billing activity. It’s super easy to see what’s happened on your account and get receipts.
  • Test Drafts. This is small one. There’s now a clearer “draft” state of a test, so that you can make sure your test is perfect before sending.
  • Audiences in Create Flow. We’ve now included your audiences in each test, making it just one click away to send.
  • Simplified test purchase. We’ve drastically simplified our checkout flow for both Pro and Enterprise accounts. Now your audience is already dialed and we’ve eliminated confusing credit balances. You only need to verify the number of panelists to test with and the price before you send.It just works.
  • Autosave your un-saved changes. This one will really help! We’ve all accidentally closed the wrong tab or our computer crashed only to lose our unsaved changes. In this release, we’ve added feature that saves your changes made while creating a test. If you leave unsaved changes in the test creation step, clicking “Create Test” or “Edit Test” will bring your right back where you left off!
  • Under the hood. You may notice the app is performing a little snappier! We’ve made performance and security updates.


  • It’s All About Answers. Over the past year or so, we’ve heard a lot of feedback around our pricing model. Credit spend was hard to grok because it relied on length of test and type of audience. It’s simple now. You’re just getting answers. An answer is a response to a test question. That’s it! Doesn’t matter how big the test is, or who you ask the question to, an answer is an answer.
  • License to Chill. We’ve made it suuuuuper easy to see your status of your Enterprise account through licenses. Your answers, seats, customer lists, and expiration date are all viewable at a glance in your account area.
  • Rock and Roles. (That was bad.) You can now rock n’ roll in the account view to easily manage roles and team members.


  • Three Simple Tests. Not ready for Enterprise yet? It’s cool. Now you can buy a test with the audience you want. Here’s what you can get:
    • Targeted Test. Starting at $399. Target your audience based on demographics such as location, gender, age, education, and income.
    • Basic Test. Starting at $199. Tap into a worldwide audience of 300,000 people. Anyone will do!
    • Open Test. Starting at $49. Create a test that you can share with your own audience via social media, email, or however!

Already have Credits? Don’t worry; You can use your credits toward test purchases until they run out.

Whew! That was a lot. We’ve got a ton more in store this year, and we’d love to hear your feedback around all things Helio. Drop us a line at [email protected].